2021 04 18 ”Impressions Marines” Streaming 2 guest Tess Merlot

Online Concert 18 April at 16h

Impressions Marines

Guest= Tess Merlot

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Meeting ID: 954 716 6173
Passcode: 823730

We will play originals, songs with Tess Merlot and introduce the 5th movement where she’s featured.

Piano / compositions Guillaume Marcenac
Guitar Christiaan van Hemert
Double bass Matheus Nicolaiewsky


Vocals Tess Merlot

Cello  Alex Geller

Press release

New jazz album with impressionist colors.
Jazz pianist and composer Guillaume Marcenac introduces his nine movement new creation. This jazz symphony features brilliant soloists and reveals a brand new style of music.


Guillaume Marcenac – piano / rhodes
Christiaan van Hemert – guitar
Matheus Nicowlaiewsky – double bass
Alex Geller – cello
Sander Smeets – drums
Tess Merlot – vocals
Ellister van der Molen – trumpet
Tom van der Zaal – alto saxophone
Simon Rigter – tenor saxophone


Our new single ”mon cher papa” is on radio 5 playlist!
Vocals: @tessmerlotmusic
Guitar: @LarsVisscher, @LeonSibum
Bass: @BorisEgberts
Drums: @MichielBuijsse
Accordion: Lars Visscher
Piano: @GuillaumeMarcenac
Violin: @JennekeTesselaar, #robertbaba, Ian de Jong

Nous serons sur Marseillan le 12 Aout au domaine de la Bellonette!
Pour ceux qui n’habitent pas à côté, vous avez encore la possibilité de réserver une chambre avec concert inclus.
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Cover for GuillaumeMarcenac


Composer / Arranger / Musical Director

2 days ago

Next season with Tess Merlot is going to be great!2024 is still in full swing and full of high notes, but hey: let’s have a look what the start of 2025 has to offer! Who will I see where? ❤️📸 Anna Yakovleva See MoreSee Less
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1 week ago

Bel article sure petit marseillanais. Il reste encore des places.Rdv sur ma page facebook See MoreSee Less
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1 month ago

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